How to Crack the Railway Exam in 1st Attempt? - Study24x7
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How to Crack the Railway Exam in 1st Attempt?

Updated on 15 October 2020
Examination Guide
6 min read 13 views
Updated on 15 October 2020

The RRB examination is a good opportunity to get a job in the Government sector. To ensure that you get selected in these competing exams, you need to plan your preparation in such an amazing way that only guarantees success in the very first attempt. With this article, we are sharing some important railway exam tips and simple strategies that can help you to crack Railways exam in 1st attempt.

Top 10 Important Preparation Tips to Crack Railway Exam in First Attempt

Computer based RRB competitive exam is given by lakhs of students every year and in order to crack the exam you need to know amazing tactics and tricks. The following are some useful tips to help you compete and win the race.

1.   Understand Exams and the syllabus:

This is very important before you start preparing for any examination as this will give you a basic idea about the exam. Before you begin to plan for any examination, you must be familiar with the examination pattern and syllabus. It will give you a good view of the exam that you are going to appear for and puts you on the right track in your preparation.

2.   Time management

Time management is one of the important things that makes the difference between champions and regular candidates. Create a timetable for each section you are preparing for the examination. Try to solve the whole questionnaire within the given time frame. Candidates should be able to separate the time for every important thing required during preparation i.e. syllabus, giving mock tests, taking breaks, etc.

3.   Make your own study notes

Once you manage your Time Management, prepare for your Study Notes. You can write down some important concepts, formulas, and tips and tricks that you think might come to the test. As you know writing down important points will improve your memory skills.

4.   Cram all formulas

Learn formulas and tricks to solve different problems on your fingertips and keep practicing and revising them regularly. During the examination and under pressure, you will only remember the things that you have crammed.

5.   Speed and accuracy

Speed and accuracy are important not only for the RRB examination but also for all competing examinations. After completing your preparation, you will need to maintain a balance between accuracy and speed. Accuracy and speed are the prerequisites for achieving your success.

6.   Time-bound sessions

The questions asked for the Railway Examinations are based more or less on the pattern of the previous year's question paper. Practice as much you can do, as Railway RRB repeats the question and so there will be a good chance that you will get the question which you have practiced

7.   Develop a reading habit

Make it a habit to read a newspaper or monthly magazine. One can read the following to improve vocabulary and to get a better understanding of events happening in our surroundings and in the world.

  1. The Hindu News Paper
  2. Yojana Magazine

8.   Practice mock test papers

Mock tests are intended to increase your confidence with different levels of difficulty. It will also help to increase speed as well as provide smooth and easy movement through the sections. While practicing mock tests, focus on clearing the sectional cut off and getting a high score too, and also try the quizzes regularly.

9.   Analysis of mock test

Test analysis is more important than giving a test. Analyze your test performance and identify your weaknesses and shortcomings. Put more effort into your weakest part and try getting over it, so that the same mistakes will not be repeated in the exams.

10. Revise what you learned

Most students do not find much time to revise the topics they have completed in each subject and there they made a mistake. Always remember the following tips:

  1. Make a list of the important things you need to revise, when you are done.
  2. Write short tricks and formulas.
  3. Write some important events to remember.


I hope this article helps you a lot in understanding how to crack Railway exam in the 1st attempt. Now the choice is yours but we suggest that you think wisely to seize every possible opportunity that comes your way.

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